Ecological engine transformation kit

The European Directive on clean fuels, which is being studied for various years, imposed to the European Community members to forbid leaded fuel within 31st December 1999. Italy has obtained an extension which postponed the effective date of the law to 21.12.2001.
  • Why cannot we use unleaded fuel with cars which were manufactured before 1992?

    The old engines differ from the new ones in an important detail: the COMPRESSION RATIO
  • What is the compression ratio?
    We know that the piston pushes the air-fuel mix into the cylinder, and compresses it in the engine head. The more the mix is compressed, the higher will be the compression ratio. The ecological engines have a lower compression ratio than the old ones.
  • Which are the inconveniences that can occur using unleaded fuel in a non-ecological engine?
    The most dangerous phenomenon for the engine components is the KNOCKING, caused by the difference in the octane number of the two fuels. The unleaded fuel has a lower octane number, therefore it is not suitable for regular fuel engines.
  • What is fuel knocking and why is it dangerous?
  • Every time the spark of the spark plug shoots out inside the cylinder, a flame is generated whose front is rapidly spread submitting to high pressure and temperature the gases not yet burnt, which are between the front and the sides of the combustion chamber. In case these gases reached pressure and temperature critical values higher than self-ignition ones, they would burn instantaneously leading to the knocking phenomenon. The self-ignition phenomenon can be detected by a strong metallic noise coming from inside the engine. The knocking which can be detected by a knock noise reduces the engine power and can cause serious damages both due to the mechanical effect and to the abrupt pressures peaks and the abnormal temperatures reached during its operation. The resistance to knocking is measured by the octave numbers; the higher the number of octane the higher the knocking resistance. The octane number, therefore, strongly influences the engine features and correct engine operation. The anti-knocking components in the regular fuel are the tetraethyl lead mixed with ethyl dibromide and dyes whose quantity is quite important. The lack of the cooling and lubricating effect that lead has on the piston rings and on the most hot parts of the combustion chamber, that is the exhaust valves contact seats, leads to the piston seizure (above all in two-strokes engines) or to the untimely wear of valves seat.
  • Then, can we use unleaded fuel in a non-ecological car?
    Today, we can, thanks to the Eco-Motor (KME) transformation kit, capable to modify the compression ratio of all engines without decreasing its power or increasing consumption.
  • Which are the components of the ecological engines transformation kit Eco-motor (KME), which allows to use unleaded fuel instead of regular fuel without consequences for the engine?
    This kit is composed of some bushes (one for each piston or spark plug), and of the fuel ioniser Eco-Motor. Bushes are made of special steel resistant to very high temperatures and are available in different models, according to the spark plug used (and therefore of the special plug seat on the engine head) and to which extent the compression ratio has to be reduced. Bushes reduce the compression ratio, which, as we detailed, is the only substantial difference between old and new motors. The Eco-Motor ioniser allows to recover the power loss deriving from the compression ratio reduction because of the bushes kit use, and to reduce fuel consumption as well as fumes.
    The bushes are made of special steel and are screwed before spark plugs, then spark plugs are screwed on them. The installation is 1 for each cylinder or spark plug. Therefore, a 4-cylinder engine will need 4 bushes, a 6-cylinder engine, will need 6 of them, etc. Bushes, accurately designed for all the main engines and spark plugs existing models, thanks to their chamber, reduce the compression ratio in a calculated way in order to avoid the knocking phenomenon caused by unleaded fuel. Finally, the installation of the ecological engine transformation kit allows to better exploit the engine safeguarding, at the same time, the lifetime of its components which are less stressed thanks to the reduced compression ratio. Otto engines are interested by the installation of the bushes, i.e. engines that employ spark plugs and work with fuel or oil-fuel mix. As far the Eco-Motor device operating principle is concerned, we have already widely dealt with, refer to the paragraphs dedicated to this argument for further information.

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