: how to use it

It is important to know that an excellent washing do not depend on the detergent used, but on the water hardness it is mixed with: when soft water is used (with few dissolved salts in it) just use a washing powder quantity twice lower than it were used with hard water. The hard water, indeed, slows down the detergent action and causes deposits on clothes with fading effect on coloured clothes. A good washing of any kind (of fabric or surface), then, can be achieved only if the same quantity of calcium and magnesium ions into the solution is reduced to a very low level.


Tests on detergents samples.

To obtain this result the products contain in their formulation some ingredients which are able to stop the negative action of the water hardness components. Higher the hardness, higher the quantity of these ingredients (and therefore of detergent) which has to be measured to achieve appreciable results from the cleaning and hygiene point of view.

Using ZEO, the ingredients necessary to neutralise hardness and able to allow the best neutralisation of dirt are supplied by zeolites contained in the two disks. In this way it won't be necessary to search for these ingredients also in detergents which will be used in lower quantity.
The use of ZEO leads to a washing powder saving, proportioned to the water hardness, which at 30°F will vary from 50 to 70% (according to the washing power of the detergent used); the use of an excessive quantity of washing powder is not only non economical, but it also increases the risk of an excessive foam with consequent bad rinsing results.

The water hardness classes, taken from ASSOCASA experience, were identified according to the following scheme (for each class we detail the % of detergent reduction and the expected lifetime of the two ZEO disks):
1st CLASS < 15°F
50 % 180 WASHINGS
2nd CLASS >15°F and <25°F
50 / 60% 150 WASHINGS
3rd CLASS >25°F
50 / 70% 150/120 WASHINGS

The two disks of ZEO have always to be used together and placed with the washing into the washing machine vat. ZEO, not only reduces the washing powder, but it also improves its action and the negative effects of the presence of hardness salts (deposits, bleaches, etc.) and also the washing additives can be eliminated: solftner, water softening products, additives for the most resistant stains, etc. Inside each packet some instructions detail how to intervene on the various types of fabric and on most resistant stains. A small amount of softner is recommended for those who would like to obtain a sweet-smelling washing.

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